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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Cities Readiness Initiative

Florida Department of Health in Hernando County

This CDC’s Cities Readiness Initiative is a federally funded program designed to enhance preparedness in large population areas. The goal of the program is to minimize the loss of lives during a public health emergency by rapidly dispensing medication to the entire population within 48 hours of an identified bioterrorism attack.

The program is supported by medical caches held in reserve and maintained by the Strategic National Stockpile for public health emergencies. 

The CRI Program relies on support from the community in the form of PODs, (Points of Dispensing.)  Medication is dispensed through Open Pods intended for every resident, and through Closed PODs which are not open to the public but are operated by volunteers for a specific population.



  • Federally Funded to enhance preparedness in large population areas
  • Goal is to minimize loss of lives in public health emergencies
  • Supported by Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) which has large medical caches across the US
  • Ability to get medication, vaccine and supplies to populations rapidly.
  • Program relies on community support of PODs (Points of Dispensing).
  • 2 types of PODs:
    • Open PODs – medication is dispensed to everyone
    • Closed PODs – medication is dispensed to a closed population by volunteers

For more information on the CRI program in Hernando County, call 352-540-6800.