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Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

By De'More Patrick

January 24, 2025

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) 

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Whooping cough can cause serious illness in people of all ages but is most dangerous for infants.


Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. The bacteria attach to the cilia (tiny, hair-like extensions) that line part of the upper respiratory system and release toxins that can damage the cilia and cause airways to swell. The disease is only found in humans.

Two kinds of vaccines used in the U.S. help protect against whooping cough, both of which also provide protection against other diseases. Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) and the tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) are given at a variety of life stages, however immunity can weaken over time. Talk to your health care provider about what immunizations are most appropriate for you.

Individuals that receive the vaccine may still contract whooping cough, however the infection is generally milder.


Symptoms of whooping cough usually develop within 5 to 10 days after you come into contact with the bacteria. Sometimes symptoms can take as long as three weeks to develop.

Early symptoms can last for one to three weeks and usually include:

  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Low-grade fever (less than 100.4° F)
  • Adults: Mild, occasional cough
  • Babies and young children: Apnea (life-threatening pauses in breathing) and cyanosis (turning blue or purple)
One to two weeks after the first symptoms start, people with whooping cough may develop rapid, violent, and uncontrolled coughing fits. These coughing fits usually last one to six weeks but can last for up to 10 weeks. Coughing fits generally worsen and become more common as the illness continues.


The bacteria spreads easily from person to person through the air. When a person who has whooping cough sneezes or coughs, they can release small particles of bacteria. It also spreads when people spend a lot of time together or share breathing space, such as holding a newborn on your chest. Individuals can remain contagious for weeks. People can spread the bacteria from the start of the very first symptoms and for at least two weeks after coughing begins. Some people have mild symptoms and don't know they have whooping cough, but they can still spread the bacteria to others.


Doctors diagnose whooping cough by considering your exposure risk, along with the following"

  • History of typical sighs and symptons
  • Physical exams
  • Labortory test of mucus sample from the back of the throat
  • Blood test


Treating whooping cough early can make the illness less serious and help prevent spreading the bacteria to others. Health care practitioners generally treat whooping cough with antibiotics.

There are several antibiotics available to treat whooping cough. Take the antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your health care practitioner.

  • Do not take cough medicines unless your doctor recommends them.
  • Keep your home free from irritants that can trigger coughing, such as smoke, dust, and chemical fumes.
  • Use a clean, cool mist humidifier to help loosen mucus and soothe the cough.
  • Eat small meals every few hours to help prevent vomiting.
  • Hydrate with water, juices, soups, and/or fruits to prevent dehydration.
  • Report signs of dehydration, such as decreased urination or wet diapers, to your health care practitioner immediately.


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